Created in 2010 on the CHUET-YANG family’s initiative and the patrimonial and commercial entities held
by the family, the endowment fund Hotel Mazin La Fayettel is empowered to:

  • Acquire by rights the collections of paintings, sculptures, art objects, antique furniture, antique musical instruments,
    of archaeology and history… displayed inside the 1728 walls.
  • Acquire on the art market (sales, private contract, art dealers…) new pieces of collections that will be displayed inside the 1728
    or the new gallery surfaces to be created
  • Acquire the walls of the 1728 and all the surfaces that will be on sale which will provide a purpose for all the gallery
    projects of the endowment fund of the 8, rue d’Anjou.
  • And thus to ensure the perenniality of the Mazin La Fayette Hotel, a unique place loaded with history and that has
    been dedicated to art since 2001.
